
Equine Back Issues; Understanding & Better Management

A pain in the back; SI problems, neck stiffness and generalized back pain. Back issues and complaints in the horse are quite common, leading to lost work, poor attitudes and overall moderate difficulty in management.  Current therapies are often unrewarding, especially long term, as the main cause or root is often overlooked.  Through a better understanding of both anatomy, physiology and contributors, management becomes easier and the horse more responsive without the long term need for medications or injections.

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Tying Up and Rhabdomyolysis in Horses

“Tying Up”, myositis, Monday Morning Disease and azoturia all refer to which is more technically known as Equine Rhabdomyolysis Syndrome in horses. It can be a very common problem in some disciplines and breeds.  The most common breeds involved in the condition include the Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred, Arabian and the draft horses.  In various research papers, tying up has been noted in approximatley 4% of Arabian Endurance horse and up to 10% of racing Throughbreds.  Given the increase in the incidence and possible clinical repercussions of the condition on the performance of the horse, there has been much research trying to unravel the mystery as to what exactly causes the problem.

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