Introduction to Herbs and Foods in the Horse; An Online Course

Introduction to Herbs and Foods in the Horse

An Online Course for Better Understanding for Ultimate Success in Equine Health and Soundness

  • Do you struggle with resolving a health or soundness issue in your horse?
  • Has your horse's condition been ongoing for months or even years with no resolution despite appropriate medical therapy?
  • Does it seem like one issue resolves and then another pops up in your horse?
  • Do you often feel like you are tossing darts at a board, when it comes to supplementation in your horse, hoping that something 'sticks' and works?
  • Do you find yourself following trends when it comes to supplementation in your horse, following what others are doing and advertisements, without real purpose or gains in your horse?
  • Do you have questions regarding an appropriate diet and options for utilization of whole-foods in your horse?

Herbs and Foods in the Horse
Herbs and Foods in the Horse

You are not alone!  The answers to your questions concerning your horse's health and soundness revolve around a better understanding of the proper usage of herbs and whole-foods.  While there are many options available, from herbal formulas to whole-foods, not every one is appropriate for every horse, which is what creates the inconsistent responses.

One horse may have the same condition as your horse, but seems to respond to a therapy or herbal regimen, while yours does not or maybe gets worse.  These two horses are not the same and a different approach is likely warranted in your case, as compared to the other horse.

Tom Schell, D.V.M, CVCH, CHN, sees and understands the current issues with equine health and lameness.  Dr. Schell has worked with hundreds of horse owners, achieving marked success when other therapies have failed, but this success is through an understanding of what lies 'within' your horse and the underlying pattern present.  Through this understanding, herbs and whole-foods can be utilized in a targeted fashion, often simplifying the regimen for your horse and creating significant gains!

There are answers and Dr. Schell has offered insight into gaining a better understanding through his new course:  Introduction to Herbs and Foods in the Horse

In this online course, Dr. Schell offers 5 sections of self-paced learning:

  • Introduction to herbs and foods in the horse
  • The importance of the digestive system in the horse and why things go wrong
  • An introduction to alternative medicine (Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine), theories, patterns, and application in your horse
  • Application and recognition of patterns in the horse based on clinical signs
  • Herb and food energetics, understanding and application based on patterns in the horse

Learn how to use herbs and whole-foods properly in your horse and eliminate guessing games!

The online course is monitored by Dr. Schell and questions are readily answered to ensure that you gain a fundamental understanding of all principles applied.  Quizzes are presented throughout the course to help develop understanding and a certificate of completion is granted to every student that passes the course!

All of the information that you could possibly seek, all wrapped up into one online course, presented by Dr. Schell and based on his 24+ years of clinical, research, and application experience.